First Annual

Gateway Regional Gathering

of the Evangelical Association

Saturday, April 13, 2024

9:30 AM to 2:30 PM

Disciple THE next generation

Weโ€™re making history together! The first German Evangelical Church west of the Mississippi (Femme Osage Church) invites you to participate in the inaugural gathering of the Evangelical Association churches of the Midwest.

Our theme is โ€œDisciple the Next Generationโ€ as we focus on equipping our congregations to pass on the teachings of our Lord to our children, as well as sharing our rich heritage of faithfulness to His truth. Please join us for this important and historic event.

In His grace,

Rev. Dr. Jeffrey Willey
ย  ย  Pastor, Femme Osage Church


ย ย 8:00 to ย  9:15ย  Optional Hot Country Breakfast

ย ย 9:30 to 10:15ย  Worship (Special Guest Organist Barry Bierwirth)

10:30 to 11:45ย  Workshops I and II

11:45 to 12:45ย  Lunch

12:45 to ย  2:00ย  Workshops III and IV

ย ย ย 2:00 toย  2:30ย  Closing Session


Especially designed for small congregations

Please be aware that the speakers and presenters at Evangelical Association events come from a variety of traditions. There may be differences in points of theology, polity, and application.ย  Each of our speakers and presenters shares with us a common passion for Jesus Christ, the authoritative Scripture, and the work of advancing the Kingdom.
(Board of Directors, Evangelical Association, Approved 3/8/2013)

ย ย ย ย ย ย ย ย ย ย ย ย ย ย ย ย ย ย ย ย ย ย ย ย ย ย ย ย ย ย ย ย ย ย ย ย ย ย ย ย ย ย ย Morning sessionsย  10:30 - 11:45
wORKSHOP I: Helping Kids Fall Deeply in Love with Jesus, part 1

Presenter: Becky McAllister, Chief Program Officer at KidZ at Heart International

In this workshop, youโ€™ll be introduced to the approach and methodology that makes KidZ training unique by experiencing, discovering, and engaging in formational learning processes.

ย WORKSHOP II: Passing on the Faith to the Next Generation

Presenters: Rev. Darrell Weber and Rev. Bill Savering

Discussion topics include: the history and theology of the Evangelical and E& R Churches; current projects to restore our heritage, and ways to share our rich Evangelical heritage.

aFTERNOON sessionsย  12:45 - 2:00

wORKSHOP III: Helping Kids Fall Deeply in Love with Jesus, part 2

Presenter: Becky McAllister, Chief Program Officer at KidZ at Heart International

This workshop is a continuation of the morning session, Workshop I.

WORKSHOP iv: discipling Your Grandchildren

Presenter: Maureen Berger, Vice President of Programs (North America), KidZ at Heart Internationalย 

This workshop encourages grandparents to take an intentional approach to sharing their faith story with the generations that come behind them.


Please RSVP via an email or phone call. Indicate the name and city of your congregation, the number of attendees, and if you intend to enjoy the Hot Country Breakfast.ย 

Email: Rev. Dr. Jeffrey Willeyย Phone: 636-228-4586ย